So I'm dog sitting right now & I'm really happy about it.
I just went for a two hour long stroll through the residential parts of Pacific Beach. Long shadows, cool breeze, coffee shops, so nice.
So when I was drunk on the couch yesterday, I watched "When Harry Met Sally" and noted these two scenes:
1. "If he came to you right now, would you take him back?"
"NOOOOO. But why couldn't he have wanted to marry meeee?"
2. "I'll make love when it's making love! Not like you! Not like how you do it! You know what Harry, you're going to have to move to New Jersey soon because you've slept with every girl in New York and she doesn't seem anything like a distant memory."
Those probably aren't exactly the lines, but you get it.
Now back to the cuddlefest.....
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