Kids were crying, high schoolers were walking slow and taking up the whole walk way, I could not find this mythical Starbucks, nor the restroom.
"Excuse me, may I ask you a question?" He smirks, seemingly an innocent man with a question.
"What do you use on your skin?" Oh, damn...
"Nothing, and I don't want to use anything" catching on...
"Can I show you something?" OH FUCK
"Oh no you don't you bastard!" and I ran away to Oliver Peoples until he was gone. He was lurking around the entrance for a good ten minutes taunting me too...crazy foreign kiosk operators.
There's my story.
Oh, and then I found out every photo I have ever taken has been permanently deleted. All those beloved JPEG and RAW files have gone to a better place, far far away from my external hard drive.
But the real reason I almost started crying on a bench in the middle of a horrifically bustling mall was because of my guilt for how I treated that immigrant just trying to make a living selling skin care products.
he's israeli and half of the money they make at these jobs goes to the israeli defense forces... that's what i've heard at least