Wednesday, September 2, 2009

S the D

There is nothing like drunkards in the morning...two in the my house...screaming.

I hate being angry and lying in bed.

The coffee I'm drinking is from the 99 cent store.

The most delicious thing in my fridge is store brand yogurt. I had a dream it was Trader Joe's organic fat free yogurt, but alas.

I have decided that all men are god awful and conniving until proven otherwise. I have unknowingly danced through and upon snake pits but this sharp panging had me look down and realize I'm surrounded by men that want nothing other than to detach their jaws and eat me whole.
One of them spit me out due to mental malfunctions (Thank the heavens!), but I'll be damned if his friends didn't SMELL the defeat and slither their way up to me with befanged smiles.
Fuck em. Fuck all of em. I'm joining the agnostic nunnery.

I was watching a compilation of Smiths music videos yesterday, as any good LA child will do from time to time, and realized that I wish I was a gay man just so I could dress like Morrissey. I think I'm still going to swing bouquets of flowers regularly though.

You never know who is going to read this. Maybe a snake, maybe a drunkard....This could be some girl interrupted shit. Everyone assigns such authority to the written word and I am a con artist.

I have cramps bye.

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