Monday, April 27, 2009

Let me fill you in...

The life of a college girl leads her to believe the lies of men that she doesn't know. It leads her to what she was taught is vulnerability and to smoking cigarettes and a stranger's patio thinking everything is as it should be.  

There are a few choice words that get a college girl into this position:

Used in the proper context, you too can have your own personal college girl smoking cigarettes of uncertainty on your patio. 

I have yet to take the proper GE that teaches me the difference between being in the moment and letting go of it completely. It is here that lies the crucial difference between being what is comprised in those four choice words and being some dumb and gullible hussie. 
Only time will tell if I have tested out of this GE. I'll give it until Friday. 

I think I'm going to need to buy another pack of cigs if things keep up this way. Give me something to do while I do my best to decipher the inaudible language of moments and movements between two strangers who have shared some passion; give me a brief second to step outside and calculate the distances and kisses and try to place myself if the hormonal web that we call "lust."

Let me know if you read this...I'm assuming only my fan club (Zoe, Coula, Angela, & of course Rowdy Style) let me know...

Oh and here's a picture!